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Dates : Du 09 au 12 Décembre 2015
Lieu : Deutsche Messe Hannover Messegeländ. D-30521 Hannover Allemagne
Pays : Allemagne
Secteur : Biens d'équipement
Organisateur : Deutsche Messe AG Hannover
Nombre d'exposants :
Nombre de visiteurs : 41.900
Informations :

International Surface Tech Exhibition is an event designed to take the electroplating industry to an entirely new level. On account of the rapid growth of economics and technology, the electronic equipment manufacturing industry is gradually shifting its focus to China and therefore the electroplating industry is becoming more and more significant in this particular region.
International Surface Tech Exhibition will bring in leading industrialists who will offer the attendees valuable information on the latest developments made by this sector. Apart from clinching business deals, this event will enable the attendees to come to know about a huge array of products and services that relate to this sector.