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Dates : septembre 2016
Lieu : KievExpoPlaza Exhibition Center Salyutna str., 2B Kiev, 04111 Ukraine
Pays : Ukraine
Secteur : Biens d'équipement
Organisateur : TDS - EXPO
Nombre d'exposants :
Nombre de visiteurs :
Informations :

Topical segments of the exhibition:
Technology, equipment and materials for attaching on hardware surface heightened operation properties: abrasive treatment (shot blasting, sand blasting), forging, cold-work, electrochemical hardening, thermal hardening, galvanic coating (nickelizing, chromizing, zincing), plasma-powdered spraying, polymeric coating, special coating
Industrial paint of metal surfaces (preparing the surfaces for paint, equipment and chambers for paint and varnish products application, technology and material, drying chambers). Improving of the surface geometry: equipment and materials, advanced repair technologies.
Surface diagnostics: methods, control and measuring devices.
Materials and equipment for insulation and conservation of the hardware, corrosion and another corrosive environment protection: insulating materials, conservation lubricant, gel, emulsion, technical washing, equipment for protective materials coating.
Personal protection means. Systems of wastage and air environment purification.