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Dates : Du 12 au 14 Mai 2015
Lieu : Costa Salguero Exhibition Center Av. Costanera Buenos Aires Argentine
Pays : Argentine
Secteur : Biens d'équipement
Organisateur : Mundo Textil
Nombre d'exposants :
Nombre de visiteurs : 16.000
Informations :

SIMATEX International Exhibition of Textile Machinery, has been held every two years since 2002. It is the latinamerican largest international textile machinery exhibition, an is organized by Mundo Textil Magazine and Hs Eventos.
Simatex take place in Centro Costa Salguero, Buenos Aires, Argentina, one of the most popular and beautifull city in South America.
Is the show that gathers all the latest developments in Textile Industry Machinery and Component to Argentina and Latin-American countries.