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Dates : du 12 au 14 mai 2015
Lieu : Earls Court Exhibition Center
Pays : United Kingdom
Secteur : Ferroviaire
Organisateur : Mack-Brooks Exhibitions Ltd
Nombre d'exposants :
Nombre de visiteurs : 10.730
Informations :

As the UK's leading rail event covering railway equipment, systems and services, Railtex is the industry's meeting place - where visitors and exhibitors alike see the latest technology in action, learn about new products/services and meet fellow industry professionals. It is said to be more than just an exhition and it is segmented into the following: 

  • On-Track Display - exhibitors can display their products in situ
  • Technical Seminars with keynote addresses from industry leaders
  • Industry updates
  • Networking Reception
  • The Recruitment Wall - helping exhibitors to meet their skills needs by displaying job opportunities to visitors
  • The launch of the Railtex Awards Dinner 

The visitor attendance figures for Railtex 2009 totalled of 8,257 rail industry professionals from 47 countries- a substantial increase of 22% compared to the number attending the previous show in 2007. Of these, some 62% were of manager level or above. When exhibitors' stand personnel are added to visitors attending, the number of industry participants at the show rises to 10,730.