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Dates : October 21rd-24th 2015
Lieu : Office des Foires et Expositions de Casablanca (OFEC) Rue Tiznit, Face à la Mosquée Hassan I. Casablanca - 20000 Morocco
Pays : Morocco
Secteur : Environnement
Organisateur : Reed Expositions France
Nombre d'exposants : 400
Nombre de visiteurs : 80.000
Informations :

Pollutec Morocco, the international exhibition of environment equipment, technologies and services, has just closed the doors of its third show after confirming its position as the reference show for the sector’s professionals.

This 3rd edition brought together Moroccan and International exhibitors - equipements providers and services suppliers in Water, Waste, Recycling, Risk Prevention and Sustainable Development and trade visitors from Industry, Eco-activities, Construction, Administration, Local authorities and Services.