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Dates : Du 06 au 09 oct. 2015
Lieu : Munich
Pays : Germany
Secteur : Aéronautique, Spatial
Organisateur : Mack-Brooks Exhibitions
Nombre d'exposants : 542, 343 of which are international
Nombre de visiteurs : 12.035, 6.258 of which are international
Informations :

Inter airport Europe 2013 is set to take place from October 8th- 11th 2013 at the Munich Trade Fair Centre.

It is divided into four key market sectors: interTERMINAL, interDATA, interRAMP and interDESIGN.

In 2011, a total of 606 exhibitors from 34 countries and more than 12,600 visitors from all over the world attended the leading international exhibition for the airport industry