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Dates : du 21 au 23 oct 2014
Lieu : Katowice International Fair ul. Bytkowska 1B 40-955 Katowice Poland
Pays : Poland
Secteur : Biens d'équipement
Organisateur : International Katowice Fair Ltd.
Nombre d'exposants :
Nombre de visiteurs :
Informations :

The International HPS fair, organized in Katowice every two years, creates the perfect opportunity to become acquainted with national and foreign companies within pneumatic and hydraulic sectors including exhibits regarding measurement techniques, control units and automation systems. Presentations will feature the most modern devices and technologies emerging in Polish markets. This event provides an overview of this particular industrial branch and provides the opportunity to compare various experts with in the field at the same place and at the same time. It is the largest exposition of it’s kind in Poland, and year after year gains increasing interest from the most respected companies from Polish and international firms. The last exposition set a record level of participation increasing the number of exhibitors from one year to the next by an astonishing 25%.