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Dates : du 11 au 14 janv. 2015
Lieu : Nuremberg
Pays : Germany
Secteur : Hôtellerie et restauration
Organisateur : AFAG
Nombre d'exposants : 475, 39 of which were international firms
Nombre de visiteurs : 31.230
Informations :

The HOGA will take place from January 13rd to 16th at the trade fair exhibition grounds in Nuremberg, and is one of the most outstanding branch events of 2013 within the German hotel and restaurant industry. 

The last HOGA visitor survey (2011) produced ideal circumstances, such as: 70% of the HOGA visitors orderd directly at the fair, 52,2 % of visitors were decision makers with purchasing authority, and 52% of the visitors said that they do not plan to visit any other hotel and restaurant trade fairs in Germany other than the HOGA Nuremberg expo.                                       

In 2011, there were more than 500 exhibitors from 12 countries and over 35.500 trade visitors.