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GPEC 2015

GPEC 2015
Dates : du 18 au 20 janvier 2015
Lieu : Exhibition Centre Leipzig Messe-Allee 1 D-04356 Leipzig Germany
Pays : Germany
Secteur : Aéronautique, Spatial
Organisateur : EMW (Exhibition & Marketing Wehrstedt GmbH)
Nombre d'exposants : 150
Nombre de visiteurs :
Informations :

GPEC General Police Equipment Exhibition & Conference® is Europe's leading closed specialized trade fair exclusively for members of authorities. The focus is on police equipment and technologies, safety technology and respective services. This branch meeting that is unique in Central Europe addresses the following target groups Police, Border Guard, Customs and Financial Bodies, Prison Service and Justice,  Government Services and Agencies,  Special Forces,  Military Police, Gendarmerie and Infantry. 

It reaches executives, technicians, procurement officers, instructors and end users at international, national and regional level. Members of parliament responsible for security tasks or budget matters are also admitted. A broad programme of fringe events with conferences, seminars and working group meeting round out GPEC

GPEC gives support to interdepartmental and interdisciplinary exchange of information, tendencies and technologies for state-of-the-art equipment and training of state security forces as well as strengthening of state security, and the fight against terrorism and for homeland security.