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Dates : Du 10 au 11 Avril 2014
Lieu : Pragati Maidan Near Delhi Zoological Park Mathura Road Delhi
Pays : Inde
Secteur : Ferroviaire
Organisateur : Mack-Brooks Exhibitions Ltd
Nombre d'exposants :
Nombre de visiteurs :
Informations :

Exporail India aims to provide domestic and foreign companies serving the rail market in India and its neighbors with an unparalleled opportunity to present their capabilities in a region offering major long-term business opportunities.Profile For Exhibit Include Rolling Stock And Locomotives For Passenger Traffic, Rolling Stock And Locomotives For Freight Traffic, Vehicles For Urban Rail, Metro And Tram Systems, Track Materials, Construction And Maintenance, Railway Civil Engineering And Construction, Signalling And Train Control, Vehicle Maintenance Equipment And Services, Fare Collection And Passenger Information Systems, Station Equipment, It Software And Hardware, Cables And Cable Equipment, Security Systems.