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Dates : 29 November -02 December 2016
Lieu : Valparaiso Terminal de Pasajeros Urriola 87 Valparaiso Chile
Pays : Chile
Secteur : Armement
Organisateur : FISA S.A.(
Nombre d'exposants : 150
Nombre de visiteurs : 20.000
Informations :

EXPONAVAL is considered to be the most important naval and maritime exhibition in Latin America. Our Institution has been responsible for EXPONAVAL since its first version, held in Valparaíso in 1998, and it is proud of the immense significance that this event has gained nationwide.

The focal point for EXPONAVAL 2012 will be the topic “The Navies' Challenges when Facing Emergency Situations and Catastrophes, and when Providing Humanitarian Support in the Context of Peacekeeping Operations.”
Given the high level of devastation in this kind of circumstances, nations will have to concentrate their efforts in order to respond to them and provide the necessary assistance.

EXPONAVAL in the coming years should be one of the most important Maritime and Naval Defense international fairs in Latin America, and establish as a world leader in the dissemination of new technologies in naval systems, forming new networks of experience and contacts exchange in order to put in perspective balanced development of nations through the sea.